The second Executive meeting of the Municipal Government in 2024 was held

Issuing agency: government office Release time: 2024-02-01 08:02 Share to

1月31日,Party Secretary and Mayor Lv Jiang presided over the second executive meeting of the Municipal government in 2024,传达习近平总书记近期重要会议精神;传达省十四届人大二次会议和绥化市五届人大三次会议精神;传达省政协十三届二次会议和绥化市政协五届三次会议精神;传达国务院安全生产电视电话会议、全省安全生产电视电话会议暨省安委会2024年第一次全体(扩大)会议、绥化市安全生产电视电话会议暨市安委会2024年第一次全体(扩大)会议、绥化市政府常务会议精神;研究讨论《2024欧洲杯下注app》《2024欧洲杯下注平台》《2024欧洲杯下注app》,Make arrangements for the current priorities。

    Li Zhongchen, Shi Chao, Sui Lidong, Li Shiyu, Liu Li, Du Meiling, Wang Xiangang and Shan Kui attended the meeting。
    Lv Xin, Wang Tomorrow, Sheng Jian, Cui Yan, Shi Yuwang, Wang Hongyan, Tian Yu, Li Dongming and others attended the meeting as non-delegates。
    会议指出,要深入学习领会习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示精神,始终在政治立场、政治方向、政治原则、政治道路上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,以实际行动拥护“两个确立”、做到“两个维护”。We must earnestly implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era,We will effectively increase political awareness and action awareness,Resolutely shouldering the political responsibility of governing the Party,We will promote a culture of integrity,Strengthen the spirit of the central eight provisions,We will give full play to the role of oversight, ensuring implementation and promoting sound development,Adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time。
    The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply and accurately grasp the spirit of the "two sessions" of the province and Suihua City, improve ideological understanding, quickly start learning, and earnestly implement。It is necessary to combine the spirit of the "two sessions" of the province and Suihua City with the spirit of the fourth plenary session of the ninth session of the city,Further comprehensive review,Combine with practice,Focus on key points,Think carefully,Scientific planning,Refinement measure,Turn the spirit of the meeting into a strong driving force for work,With practical actions to promote provincial and municipal decision-making deployment in our city to take root。
    Conference emphasis,要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要论述和重要指示、批示精神,We will further strengthen our political responsibility and position,Better balance development and security,Pressure on the responsibility of the local, department supervision responsibility and corporate main responsibility,Focus on key industries, key areas and key positions,Comprehensive and meticulous investigation and rectification of security risks,Work hard to rectify problems,Ensure that hidden dangers are rectified in time,High level of security to ensure high-quality development。
    The meeting also discussed the Work Report of the Zhaodong City Government (discussion draft), the Report on the implementation of the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Plan of Zhaodong City and the Draft National Economic and Social Development Plan of 2024 (discussion draft), and the Report on the implementation of the 2023 Budget of Zhaodong City and the draft budget of 2024 (discussion draft).,I was briefed on the plan for the use of bridging funds。
    Before the meeting, the leading comrades at the meeting also conducted pre-meeting law study and studied the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China together.。
    The meeting also examined other matters。

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